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Reception honoring Congressman Ted Poe – Tuesday July 16 - Houston

You are cordially invited to a reception honoring Congressman Ted Poe (House Judiciary Cmte. & House Foreign Affairs Cmte.)
Join the Immigration Conversation and make your voice heard!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013 8:30 AM to 9:30 am
Sheraton North Houston Salon A
15700 John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX 77032

The Senate seeks to implement a plan which would disproportionately impact small businesses and create significant delays in the H-1B filing process for all employers. Specifically, S.744 would:

  • Burden employers with restrictions on outplacement, additional documentation requirements, further recruitment efforts, and higher wage levels without regard to the size of the business;
  • Add a 30 day waiting period before filing an H-1B petition due to the addition of the work location in a new posting requirement which does not take into consideration today’s fast-paced economy; and
  • Increase filing fees for H-1B petitions to a point which will make the visa category cost prohibitive for small businesses.

Members of the Senate have attempted to make a more workable solution, but a “one size fits all” approach leaves small businesses in our industry with little hope to thrive.
We believe that it is important for businesses like yours to make direct contacts with Congressional members, and this reception will provide an excellent opportunity to educate lawmakers. Our business community cannot remain silent on this issue. We are in a crisis, and if the provisions highlighted above are not corrected by the House of Representatives, this issue has the potential to destroy small businesses and damage the economy.

Send your RSVP to Rahul Reddy at [email protected] once you send the RSVP Rahul will contact you about some details that we need to pass about your basic information to congressmen’s office.

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